5 Reasons Snapchat Is King

5 Reasons Snapchat Is King

The biggest question that ALWAYS comes up during my social media workshops is: What’s the deal with Snapchat? It has grown more in it’s first one year than Twitter did in it’s first fur years. WOW! When I first read about Snapchat, I didn’t...
5 Part Simple Social Media Strategy

5 Part Simple Social Media Strategy

Social media has gotten harder. Let’s just get that out there. Companies must plan for success. There are no quick ways to double revenue from 2 – 3 tweets per day. Gangnam style, The Evolution of Dance and Charlie Bit My Finger were flukes. Businesses,...
Twitter War: Obama vs. Trump

Twitter War: Obama vs. Trump

Let’s get ready to rumble! This is the Twitter War of two political social media icons: President Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump)vs. President Barack Obama (@BarackObama). They both use social media effectively. The looming question is: Who did it better? No...
Donald Trump Will Buy Twitter

Donald Trump Will Buy Twitter

There is no doubt that President Trump has proven to be a MASTER of using Twitter to communicate. Instead of press conferences and press releases he sends out tweets at 10 AM after watching Fox and Friends and reading The New York Times. However, will the new...