Best Productivity App: Evernote

When I first learned of Evernote, I didn’t think it was any big deal. It seemed like an app I would use to take notes. I could store things…like notes. Of course, this was in the early days of the iPhone and nothing really seemed like that big of a deal....
5 Most Common Twitter Mistakes

5 Most Common Twitter Mistakes

The four C’s of social media success are: content, creativity, consistency and commitment. No where is this more critical than for Twitter? I occasionally watched the Twitter feeds of various companies to see what they are doing right and where they can improve....
I Wore Jeans to a Job Interview!

I Wore Jeans to a Job Interview!

There I was getting ready for a job interview with one of the leading technology firms in the country and I had decided to wear jeans. Premeditated. This was a conscious decision on my part. I have NEVER done anything like this before. So why was I doing it now? I...
"Average" No Longer Exists

"Average" No Longer Exists

I no longer desire to be “average.” When I graduated college, I had an average job, making average money and was destined for an average life. Even today I talk to people who say they just want a good job, with good pay…and benefits. There is nothing...
The Power of Saying "No"

The Power of Saying "No"

I used to think the busier I was, the better. There is, however, a difference between being busy and being productive. The lazy office worker standing around the water cooler is busy (at least he says he is). Successful entrepreneurs are productive, and they...