Running is all about the plan.

Before any runner starts running a race, they do one important thing: train.
Each training program is different depending on the goal: marathon, half marathon, triathlon, 5 k. Whatever the goal is, runners have a plan. No one wakes up in the morning and just decides to do a race. They have the right gear. They have talked to a few experts. They have the support of their family and friends. Then they run. Sure, there will be harder days than others: rain, snow, sore muscles, dogs. But the real runner just keeps running.

Your new company is the same way. You don’t start off a millionaire (or billionaire). You have a plan. That plan tells you what to do. It lists the milestones on the way to success. Those are your mile markers. Rest assured, after you start your company, there will be problem days: emails and phone calls not returned, prospects say no, hard drive crashes, accounts lost, etc. What do you do?

Just keep running.