As a business owner, you don’t have resolutions. You have goals.

You do have goals, don’t you?

Your goals are the over arching, high level objectives for the year: write a book, make $1 MM revenue, open an office, hire a staff, etc. Your goals lead to your daily tactics: write 30 minutes / day, post a job offering, research one retail location / month, etc.

Tactics build into your Goals. Think stones build your foundation. You run everyday to eventually finish a marathon.

What can you look forward to from Scientifically Speaking in 2012? Here is the top 5 list:

1) Write a book

2) Host the Carmel Small business symposium

3) Win three (3) state contracts

4) Present at three (3) conferences

5) Become the communications leader for scientists and engineers

Look for the “tactics” that will lead to this in my daily tweets!

  What’s next for you?